What Happens When You’re Away.

The Ups and Downs of being unplugged from your own Social Life.

Elmo's Universe
7 min readJan 13, 2020

The Modern Hidalgo: Entry_76.
Monday. January 13, 2020.

I’ve been gone for a while, yes. I’ve noticed that. I kinda want to do one now, only because I feel like what’s happening right now is significantly different than the last time I wrote an entry for this journal.

These are the few things that have happened in the past few days:

My Voltes V Legacy Teaser Breakdown video gained a lot of views(still gaining, as you read this). Remember a few entries ago, when I said that I’d be making a video about Voltes V Legacy? Yeah, I made that video, and it blew up. I mean, there are other videos out there, but I never really pay any attention on other people’s videos more than my own. I’m selfish that way, guys. Can’t help it. And only because whenever I attempt to watch some, it just so happens that those videos are…bad. in. quality.

Not saying that my video is the best one out there, but just eyeballing it from a far distance, you could definitely see the difference between what I did in my video, compare to other videos of the same subject matter. Those videos, coming from how few I’ve watched, are just videos where people post their reactions, an over-bloat of historical information, their thoughts on the matter, and what else — the cast list of the live action adaptation.

They gave facts, but never really a personal take on the matter. Or if they did make it a personal thing, it ended up being too much of themselves. Mine was a balance between fact and perspective. I gave my opinions on the matter, but never lost track on shying away from giving the information people needed when it came to a breakdown of what was shown in the Teaser.

I gave detail-by-detail observations of what was shown in the teaser as much as possible. I did the best research I could when it came to knowing what was specifically going on or being shown in each shot. From the Camp Big Falcon to the Beast Fighter, Baizanga. The only thing I couldn’t recognize was the robotic eagle that flew in the teaser. That one might’ve been new, seeing as this is an adaptation, after all. So there’s obviously gonna be some new things happening in that version that might never have been in the original content.

Yadda-yadda-yadda, I gave all of those in the teaser breakdown. That was the meat of the video. But that meat, that part of the content — which are the facts — was in the middle of the perspective that I talked about earlier. It just so happened that I talked somewhat “badly” to the company(GMA) that was spearheading the project on the first few seconds of my video. And then when I was done explaining the facts of the teaser, I finished the video off by sharing my own personal take on what the teaser meant for me. I expressed that I have never truly fully watched the anime show — but that was resolved by me saying in the end that I will begin re-watching the series immediately after I’ve finished editing that video(this is a topic I’ll be talking about later on). And I also pointed out that I was more heavily influenced by other shows that aired when I was a kid; namedropping Spongebob Squarepants, Ben 10, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I went to Intramuros Last Friday. My friend, Kurt, picked up a case of the Chicken Pox. So it was up to me to represent him for the Short Film (titled Pananaghoy) that he made, and is currently a finalist for the Film Festival Event in Cinemapua. He personally called me up a few nights before to tell me that he wasn’t gonna be able to go to the director’s meeting. And given that I was the nearest person from Intramuros available(plus, I went there last year with him as well, so I was the most that knew how to do what needed to be done in that particular situation), I was the one he ended up calling.

Kurt and I go way back, but that’s a story for another entry. It just seems nice to know that a person has fate in you; trusts that you have their back when they need it.

When the meeting was done(which it honestly was just purely protocol), I went around Intramuros with my spare time. Spare time being all the time in the day, seeing as I’m a free man *wink, wink*. The moment Kurt told me that I was the one to go to proxy him, I immediately set out an agenda for when the meeting was done with. That agenda being that I would stroll around Intramuros using those new GrabWheels Scooters that I’ve been hearing about on the internet.

These Motorized Scooters were located essentially in the middle area of Intramuros. But I wasn’t able to find them anywhere, because it seems that these GrabWheels don’t even exist anymore. They did, for a few months, last year. But last Friday, they were nowhere to be found at all. I saw more of the Bambikes roaming around the area. These were customized bicycles with Bamboo chassis, instead of the usual metal.

I was gonna try it out, but decided against it, since I was waiting for my mom to arrive. If she had arrived a little bit earlier, though, I could’ve rented a bambike and strolled around the place.

Maybe next time, maybe next time.

I also found out about Silahis Center. It’s an antique store, which also looked like a museum, since it was obvious that most people wouldn’t be able to buy stuff from that store cause of the high price that they had. I mean, it only makes sense for these items to be pricey. They represent the Filipino culture, so.

I found a few Chessboards of varying designs in that antique store. They were pricey, but possible. I developed the idea of buying all of them once I have the money. That is, if those chessboards are still available by the time I rack up some cash.

I stopped the daily uploads. I was able to do 10 videos in total. But even the last two videos were of low quality. So, I honestly just lasted 8 videos as a whole. It was tough. I thought that it would be a simple task to do, but it’s really a difficult process to maintain. I wanted to keep it up, because it was something that would positively affect the analytics of my channel. But it wasn’t a viable way of getting things done. Basically, what happened was this:

Every time I woke up, I very much needed to come up with a new topic to talk about, a new idea to share, a new video to edit and then upload by the end of the day. That was the cycle of the first few days of the year for me. I had this mission, but the mission took its toll, and I wasn’t able to keep up with it. So I stopped.

I’m now gonna go back to posting stuff on a regular basis; hopefully, once or twice a week. If I’m more in control of what happens within the day — which it seems that I’m still not in that position as of yet — I could probably keep that daily upload going. But for now, it’s the longer time-allotment for each videos that needs to be focused on more. I can’t develop a full-blown Inner Machinations video episode, and expect myself to finish editing it, and then upload that video on the same day — while having to think of a new topic for tomorrow.

It wasn’t really hell, it was Purgatory, where I was rowing a boat that seemed to go in circles. It goes the farthest that it could go, but I had to get back to shore once night time settles in; and repeat the cycle, every single day.

I guess that’s it, for now. Those are most of the things that happened so far while I was away.

