Smaller And Smaller Circles by F H Batacan (Book Review)

Elmo's Universe
2 min readJan 4, 2019


This is the second (2nd) installment of a book review series, based off of the books I was able to read within 2018.

Book discussed: Smaller And Smaller Circles by F H Batacan.

I just looked it up on my calendar — turns out this was the first book that I bought for 2018. Who knew. Moving on.

This story could have easily been a short story. It is a short story, in a way. It’s just very delicate in its narration, that it seems like the author just wanted to expand the subject matter into a full novel.

I mean, I guess it was okay. I finished it early. It wasn’t that hard to read. The writing is good. Wouldn’t say it’s great, because in the middle of the story, I kind of lagged. Because I was following a sub-story that I didn’t care about.

In the middle of the story, you get to follow some other things that are going on while the main plot is also happening. I honestly don’t like straying away too much on the main story, and the two main characters. Because their tandem, the two Jesuit Priests, was very satisfying to read. Their dialogue, the scope of their conversation about autopsies and their past murder cases, were a joy to read.

But the author does this thing, where she takes time to focus on these other characters; the Journalists/Media characters. Their story arc was, well, I can’t even recall. I just wasn’t interested in them. I only wanted to know what came next for the Jesuit Priests on their case.

I picked this book up, because I saw a Youtube ad for a film that was based on it. It’s not common to see a book-to-film adaptation in the Philippines. So that got me interested in reading the book.

Oddly enough, I’ve never gotten the chance to watch the film. There’s no god-sent torrent out there anywhere. Believe me, I’ve looked. Even micro-cinemas don’t show it anymore. Or at least, it’s a very rare occasion.

Rating System:
Story = 7
Writing Style = 7
Physical Synesthesia = 8
Time it took to finish = less than a month = 8
Price = P315.00 = 6

Overall = 7.2 / 10



Elmo's Universe
Elmo's Universe

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